
In the Old World the dead do not rest easy. Ghouls lurk in haunted crypts, Necromancers raise Zombies to do their bidding and create monstrous creatures from the past for corpses, Werewolves hunt by the light of the full moon, and on the Blood Bowl field, players who died long ago return to the scenes of their former glory and play Blood Bowl once again...

QtyTitleCostMASTAGAVSkills & TraitsSkill-List
0-2Ghouls70k7337DodgeG, A
0-2Wights90k6338Block, RegenerateG,
0-2Flesh Golem120k4429Stand Firm, Regenerate, Thick SkullG, S
0-2Werewolf120k8338Catch, Frenzy, ClawsG, A

Re-roll counter: 70,000 gold pieces each

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