Site Configuration

Here you find some links to Site configuration and administration pages. Add links to other pages you may need for your site's configuration here, as necessary. Some links may only apply to certain configurations or skins.

The Site group contains configuration pages, and the SiteAdmin group contains administrative pages.

Note to new administrators

  • All pages in the 'Site' group (except Site.Side Bar) are locked for editing as the default. Site.SideBar is locked with the site-wide edit password, if one is set.
  • All pages in the 'SiteAdmin' group are locked for reading and editing as the default.
  • In order to edit any locked page you need to create in local/config.php a site wide admin password (see Passwords Admin). Then you can edit pages and change the access protection of individual pages by changing the page attributes with ?action=attr.

Site group Configuration and Menu Pages


Site group sidebar, header, and footer pages

Site group sidebar, skin element, headers and footers are used to display common content across a group or entire website.

Site group Form pages

Forms are used for display and entry of information.

  • AuthForm   Form displayed when requesting a password or username/password
  • EditForm   contains the edit page layout form

Site group Quick reference pages

Quick reference pages are included in other pages to assist in the use of those pages.

Site group Template pages

Templates are used by page and form directives to control the output displayed.

Site Administration

Here is the list of the pages in the SiteAdmin group. Some links may only apply to certain configurations.

Die Rechte für den Namen Blood Bowl, für das Bloodbowl-Zeichen, sowie für das Spiel liegen bei Games Workshop / Specialist Games. Alle Inhalte der Seite entstanden ohne Wissen und ohne Genehmigung von Games Workshop. Diese Seite steht in keiner Verbindung zu Games Workshop, es ist eine reine Fan-Seite zum Spiel.

Unser Internetauftritt enthält Links zu anderen Internetseiten, die nicht unter unserer Kontrolle stehen und deren Inhalte auch nicht von uns zu verantworten sind. Bitte lies den Haftungsausschluss und unser Impressum.

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